Sri Narasimha Jayanti Special | Brahma’s Prayer to Narasimha Dev | Art



nato ’smy anantāya duranta-śaktaye
vicitra-vīryāya pavitra-karmaṇe
viśvasya sarga-sthiti-saṁyamān guṇaiḥ
sva-līlayā sandadhate ’vyayātmane

Lord Brahmā prayed: My Lord, You are unlimited, and You possess unending potencies. No one can estimate or calculate Your prowess and wonderful influence, for Your actions are never polluted by the material energy. Through the material qualities, You very easily create the universe, maintain it and again annihilate it, yet You remain the same, without deterioration. I therefore offer my respectful obeisances unto You.

[Srimad Bhagavatam 7.8.40]



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