The different approaches of dealing with the mind can broadly be understood as 3 different ways of handling a dog, the amateur style, the mafia style, and the trainer style.
The Amature Way of Dealing with Mind
If we visit an amateur we will see the dog is actually the owner of the house. He even bites the owner when the owner isn't "obedient" to the dog. While dealing with the mind, the majority of us take this approach and get dictated by our mind. Most of the people who aren't even thinking about controlling mind falls under this category. This includes all fake Guru, Sanyasis and Swamis who speak great length about meditation, mind and God but are addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, hookah, intoxication, the taste of flesh, wealth or illicit relation.
The Mafia Way of Dealing with Mind
The mafia, as soon as he sees the dog not listening to him, he takes out his gun and bang. Some people who realize their mind need to be controlled, opt for a similar approach and follow "Impersonal meditation" techniques. They sit concentrating on light or breath and try to kill their mind, by trying to kill every thought that pops up. Although the matter of fact is 99% of them are unsuccessful & 99.99% of the remaining 1% who got success was definitely not of residing in any City during this Kaliyuga.
If we sit and just do deep breathing, filling our lungs with fresh air, automatically we feel fresh. This freshness is not because of successful meditation by because of an increase in Oxygen level in blood. Most people get cheated because of this. The goal of meditation is to focus on God not to feel the freshness. Naturally, those who are trying to control their mind must be controlling their senses. If anyone says that he is doing meditation but does intoxication or eat flesh fall in the previous category.
The Trainer Way of Dealing with Mind
The trainer, observes the dog's behavior, restricts its demand (disciplines it), and encourages it when obedient. A very few numbers of people, one in a million as said by Krishna, who are intelligent take the effort to train their mind as a dog trainer.